PowerSchool Parent Portal Instructions
How to Use the PowerSchool Parent Portal
URL: https://echoja.powerschool.com/public
Sign into your existing account.
To create a new account, see the “New PowerSchool Account Instructions” below. If you forgot your account info, please do not create another account. Use the “Forgot Username or Password?” or contact your student’s office for more help.
In your account:
1. View your student’s grades and attendance.
2. Complete all enrollment forms.

New PowerSchool Account Instructions
If you already have an ECHO JA PowerSchool Parent Portal account, go to Step 2.
Step 1: Set up an ECHO JA PowerSchool Parent Portal account:
1. Open the internet browser on your computer
2. Click this link or type https://echoja.powerschool.com/public/ into the address bar.
3. Click on "Create New User" Tab
4. Fill in the information requested for your desired username and password.
5. Enter:
Your student's full name: Full first name Full last name (Ex. Alexander Doe-Smith)
Access ID: Contact your program’s office
Access Password: Contact your program’s office
1. In your Parent Portal, select the student you are enrolling.
2. Click on the Forms link in the left navigation menu. (See the picture below.)
2. Click on the Forms link in the left navigation menu. (See the picture below.)
*Forms filled out previously, please verify the information in all the forms is accurate. Change the date on the bottom of each form to the new date and submit them again.
**Complete all 8 forms within 1 week. Please verify you have completed your proof of residency in your home district prior to submitting these forms.
If you have questions, please call your program's office between 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday - Friday.
ABLE Program - 708‐597‐4250
AFL and AFL Transition - 708‐841‐1063
CD/DHH/EASE Satellite Programs - 708‐596‐2878
ECHO School - 708‐596‐3200
EC MacArthur Program - 708‐333‐7812
PACE Program - 708‐841‐0432
ECHO Joint Agreement - 708-333-7880
Your attention to filling out these forms will help create a smooth start in the fall. We look forward to educating your student another year!
Parent Portal Video Tutorial
This links takes you to a video tutorial of the Parent Portal called PowerSchool SIS: Student and Parent Portals – Viewing Grades and Attendance. We do not use standards grades in the district so you can end the video when it starts to explain standards grades.
Parent Portal Quick Start Guide
Mobile App instructions are located in the right menu.